Junction Running Club was represented well early Saturday morning! Congratulations to the Winners!

Our Safety Patrol members volunteer every day to help make dismissal safe for our younger students.  Enjoy these pictures and be on the lookout as our members change each month!
Thank you, 5th graders for preparing presentations for our K-4th grade students!  Our 5th grade leaders created posters to display throughout the building to remind others of our behavior expectations.  They also delivered presentations about how to behave in common areas, such as the cafeteria, restrooms, hallways, entryway, and playground.  We are so proud of their leadership at Junction Elementary!
Junction Elementary teachers participate in professional learning throughout the year.  Check out these pictures of us learning from one another!
Hi my name is Elvia Lopez and I got to be the school principal for a day!!
It was really fun today. I got to do walkthroughs, talk to students, hangout with Mrs. Shipp, and eat with Mrs. Shipp. I learned that being a principal is hard,you have to find friendships to be a great principal, and  you have to learn a bit of technology each day. When your a principal you have to sign papers and use different kinds of technology. 
 When I grow up I want to be a teacher. When I was a principal today I learned that I should stick with being a teacher. Being a teacher is like being a principal I bet because you have to email, sign things, use technology, and find friendships. This is an experience for me because it is showing me how busy you are being a principal and teacher.
MAP testing is underway! Please encourage your children to do their best. We had an assembly last week to share these test taking strategies: take your time, read every choice, put forth effort, eat a nutritious breakfast, get plenty of sleep, use scratch paper, and be confident in your abilities!
The kids had a blast as teachers acted out a skit written by our very own, Mrs. Parn. She also incorporated two inspirational videos from other schools who take the MAP. 4th graders, Ethan and Chris, were fantastic students traveling along the test taking trail to success. Bravo!!
Junction PTA organized a night of fun for our Junction families.  Teachers and PTA spent four hours serving the families and friends of Junction Elementary at our neighborhood McDonald's on Shawnee Drive. Enjoy these slideshows of Junction teachers and families.  We had a blast! 
Flat Stanley, a popular character from children's literature, recently spent some time with us!  He was sent from our friend, Mackenzie Acinelli, a second grader at Highland Primary School in Highland, Illinois.  Mackenzie is related to our very own, Terry Lopez.  Enjoy this slideshow of all of the places Stanley visited throughout the building.  He was so lucky to celebrate Dr. Seuss week with our students and staff!  See if you can spot him in each photo. 
Enjoy this secret blog project by Cody Grasmick, Jesus Huerta, and Mrs. Shipp.  
Cody:  I appreciate the staff at Junction.
Jesus: Thank you staff for everything you do for us!
Mrs. Shipp:  I am honored to work with each of you!  I appreciate your dedication to Junction students!